Kevins Kindertagebuch

Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National Park
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Our Trip - 19.10.03

On the last Sunday my family and I went to Ishasha. We had to wake up early because we wanted to start this long eight-hour drive at seven o´clock. Meanwhile the grown-ups were drinking coffee my sister and I had banana milk. After that we got our stuff downstairs and got some things on the roof rack.

... got some things on the roof rack ...... got some fire wood ...

When we got there me, my dad and my uncle got some fire wood for my mum's coffee.

... I learnt how to get a fire going ...For diner we had noodles with tomato sauce.... next morning I got the fire going again ...

Before we had lunch I learnt how to get a fire going. For diner we had noodles with tomato sauce. When my sister and I went to bed the grown-ups were still sitting by the fire.

The next morning I got the fire going again. After we had breakfast. For breakfast we had Milo-pops and Pro-nutro. Then we went on a game drive. We saw antelope.

The next morning we went for a game drive before breakfast. After breakfast we loaded our Land Rover again. Then we started our way to Jacana Safari Lodge.

When we got there we had a rest. In this rest we had a picnic in my mum and dad's room. While we were eating my uncle spotted a small monitor lizard swimming in the lake.

... we saw a crab.Was macht man nicht alles für ein gutes Bild?

After our rest we went to the bat cave and the blue lake. When we past the river which goes into the blue lake we saw a crab. Meanwhile the others were looking at the crab, I washed my face in the water. When we got to the bat cave we saw over TEN THOUSAND bats. When we got to the blue lake our guide told us a true story about this lake.

... we saw over TEN THOUSAND bats.the mysterious blue lake

When we got home in Jacana we changed clothes and had diner. After diner we went to bed.

... we did some fishing, but we caught nothing for diner ...... In the afternoon we tried again but the same thing happened.

The next morning we had breakfast while my mum and my uncle were out on a game drive. After we did some fishing, but we caught nothing for diner. In the afternoon we tried again but the same thing happened. After we had diner we went to bed.

... we said good bye to the staff...... and signed the visitors' book.

The next morning we had breakfast the same thing again. After that we packed our stuff. Then we said good bye to the staff and me and my sister signed the visitors´ book. Then we put three things on the roof rack. When we got home we were very late because our motor did not accept any gas we gave it.

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