Lisas Kindertagebuch

Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National Park
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Lisas Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkLisas Diary
So. 12.11.03
Ishasha CampgroundMo. 13.11.03
Drive to JacanaDi. 14.11.03
At JacanaMi. 15.11.03
Fahrt zurückDo. 16.11.03
Kevins Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkKevins Diary
Camping im Süden des Queen Elisabeth NationalparksIshasha
Öko-Luxusherberge im Queen Elisabeth NationalparkJacana Lodge
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Ishasha & Jacana Lodge

12. October 2003 - Drive to Ishasha

On Sunday morning we ate some banana milk, and the grownups were drinking coffee. This we did before seven, because we wanted to be on our way at 7 o´clock. After we ate we went up and brushed our teeth. Then we took our bags and stuff downstairs, packed the stuff into the car, said goodbye to Zora, and started the engine. We were on our way on a long 8-hour drive to ISHASHA!

We drove out of the gate, and drove out of Kampala. Our first stop after a good 2 hours drive was at a petrol station in Masaka. After that we drove another 2 hours. Our next stop was Mbarara, and we tanked some petrol in Bushenyi.

Ishasha Road, im Hintergrund Lake Edward?
Then we went off the main road and on to a very bumpy road. On this road we stayed for about 70 km, another 2 hours drive. Then we came to the gate (of Queen Elizabeth National Park - Ishasha), we had to pay the park entry fees.

Stop at the  information office... on the other side of the river were about 20 hippos.

Then we came to an information office, where people told us they have 2 campgrounds in Ishasha. We first checked out the 1st campground , but we did not stay there, because there were already 2 cars and about 3 tents there. So then we drove to the 2nd campsite. Here there were my music teacher Mrs. Gordon, her husband Mike and Miss Marshal, the year 6 teacher (from Kabira).

AbladenHier entsteht eine Zeltstadt

We stayed here because it was close to the river, and on the other side of the river were about 20 hippos.

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