Lisas Kindertagebuch

Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National Park
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Lisas Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkLisas Diary
Drive to IshashaSo. 12.11.03
Mo. 13.11.03
Drive to JacanaDi. 14.11.03
At JacanaMi. 15.11.03
Fahrt zurückDo. 16.11.03
Kevins Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkKevins Diary
Camping im Süden des Queen Elisabeth NationalparksIshasha
Öko-Luxusherberge im Queen Elisabeth NationalparkJacana Lodge
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Ishasha & Jacana Lodge

13. October 2003 - Ishasha Campground

This morning we woke up at about 8 o'clock. We ate cereal and fruit-salad, and Kevin and me drank milk coffee. Then we brushed our teeth and covered our table in case it rained. After that we put some things in the car and drove to the information office to ask where to find lions. The teachers were also there to ask where to find elephants. The guides told us to go to the southern part of the park. They told the others to go to the northern part of the park.

... we saw many ... water buck ......  Uganda kob ...

On the way we saw many Uganda kob, buffaloes and topis and water buck. Also when we came farther into the park we saw a skeleton, so there had to be lions somewhere here. In the end we saw a warthog but no lions.

Then we went to the canteen (at the ranger's camp) where we bought some sodas. Then we went on the northern part of the track. Here it was very, very bushy. We got many scratches on the car. After about 3 km we saw a big group of baboons with small ones! We drove on, only to notice that we did not see anything, because the vegetation was so dense. So after about 7 - 8 km we turned and drove back to the camp. Once we got there we had some bread and salami & cheese. Then we ate lunch.

... where we bought some sodas.... we (children) looked at comic books ...

After we had eaten we (children) looked at comic books and the grownups slept a little. Then Kevin, me and Mum went close to the river. When we got near the river my Mum told us to wait, while she went to check for hippos and crocodiles, which could be on land. There weren't any there, so Kevin and me could come closer.

After we came back Daddy and Klaus (my uncle) woke up and we ate chocolate wafers. After this we went for another game drive at 4 o´clock to see more animals. This time we did the same thing as last time: We took the southern track first and then we went a different track to the north. On the south track we saw the usual, but on the northern track we saw a biiig group of elephants including loads of little ones! (Lisa did not really see them, because she was hiding at the bottom of the car - pretending to be scared …)

... we saw the usual ...Lisa did not really see them, because she was hiding at the bottom of the car - pretending to be scared... we saw a group of elephants ...

When we came back to camp we put some potatoes in the fire and put some Ugandan beef on the grill and prepared our meal. Just before we started eating we saw some baboons climbing down from the trees to try and steal our food! My dad threw a clump of wood at them to shoo them away. Then we went to sleep after such an amazing day.

Tomorrow we would be on our way to Jacana Lodge!

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