Lisas Kindertagebuch

Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National Park
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unsere 1. GartenreiseEngland Frühjahr 09
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Lisas Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkLisas Diary
Drive to IshashaSo. 12.11.03
Ishasha CampgroundMo. 13.11.03
Drive to JacanaDi. 14.11.03
Mi. 15.11.03
Fahrt zurückDo. 16.11.03
Kevins Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkKevins Diary
Camping im Süden des Queen Elisabeth NationalparksIshasha
Öko-Luxusherberge im Queen Elisabeth NationalparkJacana Lodge
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Ishasha & Jacana Lodge

15.October - at Jacana

Today Klaus and my Mum went on a game drive, while me, my brother and my Dad are staying at the lodge. My Dad yesterday ordered for breakfast at 9 o´clock.

My Mum and Klaus had to go at 6:15 am to reach the guide at 6:30 am at the gate, and go round to the lions.

My brother has just hit me, and we are in a fight as usual ...

Suddenly my Dad came in and it was time to go for   breakfast.   After breakfast we went fishing on a boat, but we didn´t catch any fish.

Suddenly we saw Mum (who had come back from the game drive and they saw the lions!), so we went back and went swimming. Then we ate lunch, had a rest and went swimming again. Just after that we went fishing again, but not on the boat.

Shortly after that we went on the boat to eat dinner (out on the lake ...)

... we are in a fight as usual ... und Daddy mittendrin statt nur dabei!

... we went fishing on a boat, but we didn't catch any fish ...Ruhepause nach dem Mittagsessen

... went swimming again ...... rest in the sun ...

Candlelightdinner Captain's Table

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