Lisas Kindertagebuch

Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National Park
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unsere 1. GartenreiseEngland Frühjahr 09
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Gorilla-Tracking im Bwindi Inpenetrable NationalparkBwindi
Lisas Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkLisas Diary
Drive to IshashaSo. 12.11.03
Ishasha CampgroundMo. 13.11.03
Di. 14.11.03
At JacanaMi. 15.11.03
Fahrt zurückDo. 16.11.03
Kevins Kindertagebuch über die Familiensafari zum Queen Elizabeth National ParkKevins Diary
Camping im Süden des Queen Elisabeth NationalparksIshasha
Öko-Luxusherberge im Queen Elisabeth NationalparkJacana Lodge
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Ishasha & Jacana Lodge

14. October 2003 - Drive to Jacana and 1st day there

This morning my brother woke me and Klaus up, because he was the fire master. He wanted to get the fire going, because my Mum wanted some coffee. Actually, he gets it going for some fire sticks he burns in the fire. He also puts as many leaves in the fire as he can. He loves to play with fire!

He loves to play with fire!She loves to play with fire, too!

My Mum is just drinking her "royal" cup of coffee. We will be going on another game drive before we eat, but you'll hear about that later in the report.

Bei wem hat die "royal" cup of coffee schon gewirkt?... I can just hear him turn and twist in his tent.

My Dad sleeps very looong if he can. So I can just hear him turn and twist in his tent.

Als Biologin hat man das Bestimmungsbuch immer dabei.... die haben wir auch so erkannt.

Finally, he woke up and we drove on to the northern track. In the first few minutes we met a mother elephant with her baby. This was quite far so we drove on. After another few minutes we saw a herd of buffaloes. Then we saw 3 herds of Ugandan kob, then some water buck, and then some mongoose. Then we drove back in a circle. On our way back we met some other people with a guide. After that we also met the teachers. They had already packed up and were on their way to Lake Bunyonyi.

Antilopen im ersten Morgenlicht

I did the washing up, ...... the others started packing.

Then we came to our camp and started to prepare the breakfast. Then we ate. After this I did the washing up, and the others started packing. Then we packed the things in the car and drove off.

On the way to Jacana Lodge we only saw some kob and a monitor lizard, which crossed the road just in front of our car.

When we came to the gate at Jacana we talked to a guide and asked him to take us to a bat cave later on. After this we had to drive through a 2nd entrance to the actual lodge. Then we put our things (clothes) into the cupboard and met in the hall of the lodge. We ordered our dinner and sat down to drink some coffee.

After that me, my Mum, Kevin, and Klaus drove back to the gate to start our walk to the bat cave from there. We went with a guide who carried a gun. 1st because of wild animals. 2nd because he
Das Verkehrszeichen macht Sinn
didn´t want us to be scared. When we got to the cave it stunk like bat poo very strongly! The guide looked for a snake, but we did not see it. On our way back we saw a blue lake, which is about 50 m deep (the guide said …)!

Die Decke war schwarz vor Fledermäusen - und der Boden schwarz vor Fledermaussch...Auf dem Rückweg hat Lisa einen Riesenblumenstrauß für Daddy gepflückt.

When we came back to the lodge we ordered some drinks. Then we went for a shower, and then we ate dinner - all of us together with Daddy.

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© 2007 Familie Kopsieker  |  Letzte Überarbeitung 24. Juni 2007